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Perder la forma humana. Una imagen sísmica de los años ochenta en América Latina

Author(s): Ana Longoni, Ana Vidal, AndrAtildecopy Mesquita, AndrAtildecopys Keller, Cora Gamarnik, Daniela Lucena, David GutiAtildecopyrrez CastaAtildeplusmneda, Dorota Biczel, Emilio Tarazona, Felipe Rivas San MartAtildeshyn, Fernanda Carvajal, Fernanda Nogueira, Fernando Davis, Francisca GarcAtildeshya B, Glexis Novoa, Halim Badawi, Isabel GarcAtildeshya PAtildecopyrez de Arce, Jaime Vindel, Javiera Manzi, Luisa Fernanda OrdAtildesup3Atildeplusmnez OrtegAtildesup3n, LAtildeshya Colombino, Mabel Tapia, Malena La Rocca, Marcelo ExpAtildesup3sito, Miguel A. LAtildesup3pez, Nicole Cristi, Paulina E. Varas, Rachel Weiss, Roberto Amigo, Sol Henaro, Sylvia SuAtildeiexclrez
Publish Date: 2012 Publisher: Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía Format: Paperback ISBN 10: 8480264624
ISBN 13: 9788480264624

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