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Attention à la marche ! Mind the Gap!: Penser la littérature électronique en culture numérique

Author(s): Sophie Marcotte, Abraham Avnisan, John F. Barber, Simon Biggs, Jim Bizzocchi, Kyle Booten, Amaranth Borsuk, Serge Bouchardon, Boris Boullay (du), Alejandro Brianza, AndrAtildecopya CatrAtildesup3pa, John Cayley, FranAtildesectoise Chambefort, Sarah Ciston, Christophe Collard, Gabriella Colombo Machado, Cristiane Costa, Sylvain David, Astrid Ensslin, Christopher Funkhouser, Bertrand Gervais, MarAtildeshya Goicoechea, AnaAtildemacrs Guilet, Leah Henrickson, Kedrick James, Roman Kalinovski, Andrew Klobucar, Michel Lefebvre, Ana Maria Machado, CecAtildeshylia MagalhAtildepoundes, Vinicius Marquet, Reese Muntean, VerAtildesup3nica GAtildesup3mez, Ernesto PeAtildeplusmna, Manuel Portela, Gilbertto Prado, Eva Quintas, Jessica RodrAtildeshyguez, Rolando RodrAtildeshyguez, Jon Saklofske, Paulo Silva Pereira, Alan Sondheim, Yuya Takeda, Melinda M. White, Ana Albuquerque e Aguilar, Alice Atsuko Matsuda, Sofian Audry
Publish Date: 2022 Publisher: PRESSE ECUREUIL Format: Paperback ISBN 10: 292517762X
ISBN 13: 9782925177623

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