Plough Quarterly No. 27 The Violence of Love
Author(s): Anthony M. Barr, Gracy Olmstead, Stanley Hauerwas, Zito Madu, Rachel Pieh Jones, Springs Toledo, Patrick Tomassi, Scott Beauchamp, Andrea Grosso Ciponte, Eberhard Arnold, Catherine Tufariello
Published: 2021 Publisher: Plough Publishing House
Format: Paperback
ISBN 13: 9781636080345
ISBN 10: 1636080340
Plough Quarterly No. 28 Creatures: The Nature Issue
Author(s): Grace Olmstead, Adam Nicolson, Gracy Olmstead, Christian Wiman, Kelsey Osgood, John Kempf, Leah Libresco Sargeant, Ian Marcus Corbin, IvAtildeiexcln Bernal MarAtildeshyn, Phil Klay, Edmund Waldstein, Alfred Nicol
Published: 2021 Publisher: Plough Publishing House
Format: Paperback
ISBN 13: 9781636080390
ISBN 10: 1636080391